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Oral language, reading instruction and individual differences in a computational model of word reading

講題:Oral language, reading instruction and individual differences in a computational model of word reading
Language development is shaped by interactivity between architectural constraints and environmental experience of the cognitive system. The extent to which this interaction during development could be observed in language processing and its underlying mechanisms remain unclear. Using English word reading as an example, in this talk, I will present two computational models of reading that learn to map between semantic, phonological, and, later, orthographic forms of words to (1) demonstrate the direct links between oral vocabulary skills and literacy development, and distinguish different aspects of oral language experience on literacy development; (2) demonstrate that the relative merits between the two types of reading instruction (phonology focus versus meaning focus) are dependent on pre-existing oral language knowledge. I will also discuss how the model could be applied to Chinese word reading and combine with corpus analysis, neuroimaging techniques to address individual differences.
Ya-Ning Chang is an assistant professor at the Mii Wu School of Computing, National Cheng Kung University, Taiwan, and a visiting researcher at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit, the University of Cambridge, UK. She completed her PhD in Psychology at the University of Manchester, UK, and worked as a postdoctoral researcher at Academia Sinica, Taiwan and Lancaster University, UK. Her work involves using a combination of computational modelling, behavioural/neuroimaging studies, and corpus analysis to investigate various aspects of language processing and how the processes are related to education, learning, and memory. She has applied computational modelling to language processing in different populations including children, adults and patients. She is also interested in cross-linguistic differences in different reading systems (e.g., English versus Chinese).