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Course Announcement: Students who are currently enrolled in or wish to enroll in Applied Psychology Topics (I) are requested to attend a course briefing on September 11 (Wednesday) at 5:10 PM in Room 80204.


  1. This course is co-taught by seven instructors: Hu Zhongfan, Zhou Lifang, Zheng Zhongping, Xu Xinping, Chen Junhong, Lin Yitong, and Yang Fu, with Yang Fu serving as the primary instructor responsible for course-related matters. Students are encouraged to consider their research topics for this semester and decide which professor’s lab they would like to join to learn and carry out their research projects.

  2. Important: Before the course introduction on September 11, please make sure to contact the professor in the area you wish to work on, discuss, and confirm your entry into that professor’s lab for this semester.

  3. If students are unable to confirm their research area and supervising professor by September 11, they must ensure this is done before the end of the final add-drop period this semester. Without a designated research area and supervising professor, students will not have a research outcome for the entire semester, resulting in a grade of zero.

  4. Finally, it is strongly recommended that students conduct thorough research and reflection on their own before approaching professors. Come prepared with your own ideas to discuss and engage in dialogue with the professors, and inquire about their expectations and requirements. Avoid simply emailing, “Professor, I’m interested in your field. Please tell me about your research topics and requirements.”