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Faculty Positions Available for Application

The Department of Psychology at National Cheng Kung University, Tainan city, Taiwan, invites applications for a tenure-track and project-based positions. Salary is commensurate with rank and experience, and is determined by a government regulated scale. The preferred areas of research are Quantitative Psychology, developmental psychology and mental health. The main selection criterion is distinction in research and flexibility in teaching.

The Department includes an undergraduate program and a master’s program in psychology, which emphasizes theoretical research. The Department emphasizes teaching of basic psychological knowledge and training of research skills. Excellent computing and research facilities support the teaching and research in the Department.

Applicants should submit the application with identificaiton of your research field(Quantitative pscyhology, Developmental psychology, or Mental Health), curriculum vitae, copies of three major publications over the past five years, and three recommendation letters to:
Department of Psychology
National Cheng Kung University
1 University Road
Tainan city, Taiwan 701
The anticipated beginning date for the positions is August 1, 2021. To assure full consideration the complete application should be received by February 15, 2021. The position will remain open until filled. For further information, please contact the department chair : Dr. Li-Fang Chou , +886-6-2757575 x56500, E-mail: choulf@mail.ncku.edu.tw