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講座名稱 在判斷與決策中進行大量預註冊的複制和擴展:見解,發現和機會
主講人 Gilad Feldman 
講座日期 2019-11-21
講座時間 12:00-14:00
講座地點 社科大樓北棟3F院會議室(院辦公室旁)
主辦系所 心理學系
講者:香港大學 心理系 Assistant professor Gilad Feldman (費德曼教授)
時間:2019年11月21日(四)中午 12:00~約14:00
大學生分析了具有影響力的判斷和決策文學經典,並嘗試複製方法和材料來進行效果量大小的計算和考驗力分析,設計實驗,並採用最新的工具和模板來預先註冊開放式科學框架上的複制和擴展。我們在功能強大的在線Prolific和MTurk樣本上進行了實驗(功效= 0.95-0.99; N = 400-1500)。學生使用全面的補充材料撰寫了他們的發現,並整理稿件準備就緒的手稿。本著完全透明和開放科學的精神,所有程序,決策,材料,數據集和分析/代碼都將在開放科學框架中共享。在此處查看範例項目:https://tinyurl.com/hkureplicationexamples
龔俊嘉老師(chunkung@mail.ncku.edu.tw  /分機:56508)
林君昱老師(cyjlin@mail.ncku.edu.tw  /分機:56512 )
【English information:】
Mass pre-registered replications and extensions in Judgment and Decision Making: Insights, findings, and opportunities
Assistant professor Gilad Feldman, Department of Psychology, University of Hong Kong
Reproducibility and replicability are at heart of science, yet increasing evidence from recent years suggests that many of the findings in psychological science are irreproducible and non-replicable in what some termed as a “replication/reproducibility crisis” and a new “credibility revolution” calling for significant changes in the way we do science. Is there a crisis? Should this affect our research agenda? If so – how?
I will present an ongoing mass replication effort at the University of Hong Kong (HKU), with ~45 completed and ~25 ongoing pre-registered replications in guided thesis work and six undergraduate one-semester courses at HKU, outlined in http://mgto.org/pre-registered-replications/ .
Undergraduate students analyzed impactful Judgment and Decision Making literature classics and attempted to reproduce methods and materials to conduct effect-size calculations and power analyses, design experiments, and adopt latest tools and templates in preregistering replications and extensions on the Open Science Framework. We ran the experiments on well-powered online Prolific and MTurk samples (power = 0.95-0.99; N = 400-1500). Students wrote full submission-ready manuscripts of their findings with comprehensive supplementary materials. In the spirit of full transparency and open-science, all procedures, decisions, materials, datasets, and analyses/code are in the process of being shared on the Open Science Framework. See sample projects here: https://tinyurl.com/hkureplicationexamples
I will briefly present the process, findings, main insights, and my own take-aways, and will review open resources we developed such as course materials, collaborative guides, and tools that can be used by all in their research labs.
Biosketch of the speaker:
Gilad is an assistant professor with the psychology department at the University of Hong Kong. Gilad’s work is in the areas of social-cognitive psychology and judgment and decision-making. Research focuses on the topics of biases and heuristics, especially regarding agency and action. In recent years, with the emergence of the credibility revolution (so-called “replication/reproducibility crisis”), Gilad has taken a special interest in the movement for advancing psychological science by giving workshops and seminars and guiding researchers and students about open-science, statistical tools and simulations using open-source software (R), meta-analyses, pre-registrations, replications, and reproducibility. Open workshop materials: http://mgto.org/workshops/; Open teaching materials: http://mgto.org/teaching-courses/  
More details on Gilad can be found at http://giladfeldman.org