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Effects of environmental risk factors on cognitive development

講座名稱 Effects of environmental risk factors on cognitive development
主講人 顏怡君 
講座日期 2019-03-08
講座時間 13:10-15:00
講座地點 北棟2樓階梯教室
主辦系所 心理學系
備註 演講相關內容如下:
講題:Effects of environmental risk factors on cognitive development
個人CV:After completing training in Biological Psychology at National Taiwan University in 2007, Yen moved to Max Planck Institute of Psychiatry to pursue graduate research with Prof Rainer Landgraf and Dr. Carsten T. Wotjak and received PhD degree in Biology from Ludwig Maxmillian University of Munich, Germany. As a postdoctoral fellow in the lab of Hyunsoo Shawn Je at Duke-NUS Medical School, Yen investigated the influence of gut microbiota and prenatal antidepressant use on the development of psychiatric disorders. In 2017, Yen was recruited as a research fellow to understand how aging and disease-causing mutations provoke neurodegeneration, particularly in relation to ALS-linked mutation genes. Yen is currently an assistant professor in the department of Life Science at Tunghai University.
演講摘要:Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a heterogeneous group of complex neurodevelopmental disorders with evidence of genetic predisposition. However, reports have shown that autism cases grew dramatically in the US from 1996 to 2007. It appears that the increase of autism does not only account for genes. Instead, environmental risk factors may play more important roles in triggering autism. Recently, prenatal antidepressant exposure and intestinal disturbance (microbiota imbalance) have been associated with autistic traits. However, the underlying mechanisms remain unknown. Therefore, my studies aim (i) to examine the effects of prenatal antidepressant on offspring and (ii) to understand the role of gut microbiota in brain disorders.