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Associate Professor

Chun-Yu Lin

Email:   cyjlin@mail.ncku.edu.tw
LAB: Cognitive neuroscience Laboratory
LAB TEL: (06) 2365470

Publications and Manuscripts (*: corresponding author)

Lin, C.-Y. & Ryan, L. (in preparation). The relationship between perceptual/conceptual priming and fMRI repetition suppression in posterior/frontal cortical regions.
Lin, C.-Y., Ryan, L, & Frank, M. (in preparation). A computational model of behavioral priming, repetition suppression and the effects of frontal lesion.
Lin, C.-Y., Ryan, L., Ketcham, K., & Nadel, L. (in preparation). Common and differential brain regions associated with retrieving spatial and non-spatial information from episodic and semantic memory.
Yen, C.-L., & Lin, C.-Y.* (2012). The effects of mortality salience on escalation of commitment. International Journal of Psychology, 47(1), 51-57. doi:10.1080/00207594.2011.579127 [SSCI]
陳聖音、蕭富仁、龔俊嘉、林君昱、吳明龍、謝淑蘭*(2011)。成功大學「 中南臺灣心智影像研究人才之培育計畫」。人文及社會科學簡訊,13(1),109-121。
Yen, C.L., Chao, S.H., & Lin, C.-Y.. (2011). Field testing of regulatory focus theory. Journal of Applied Social Psychology, 41(6), 1565-81. doi:10.1111/j.1559-1816.2011.00766.x [SSCI]
Ryan, L., Lin, C.-Y., Ketcham, K., & Nadel, L. (2009). The role of medial temporal lobe in retrieving spatial and nonspatial relations from episodic and semantic memory. Hippocampus. Published Online: April 29, 2009. doi: 10.1002/hipo.20607
Lin, C.-Y.*, & Ryan, L. (2007). Repetition priming without identification of the primes: evidence for a component process view of priming, NeuroImage, 38(3), 589-603.
Shyu, B-C, Lin, C.-Y., Sun, J-J, Sylantyev, S, & Chang, C. (2004). A method for direct thalamic stimulation in fMRI studies using a glass-coated carbon fiber electrode. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 137(1), 123-131.
Shyu, B-C, Lin, C.-Y., Sun, J-J, Chen, S-L, & Chang, C. (2004). BOLD response todirect thalamic stimulation reveals functional connection of the medialthalamus and anterior cingulate cortex in the rat. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 52(1), 47-55.

Conference Presentations (Talks and Posters)
Lin, Y, Pai, M.-C., & Lin, C.-Y. (2012). The imagination of future scenarios in patients withmild Alzheimer’s disease. Poster presented at the Alzheimer's Association International Conference (AAIC), Vancouver, Canada.
Yang, C.-L., Lai, H.-Y., Hsu, Y.-Y., Wen, Y.-S., Cheng, Y.-Y., Ni, Y.-H., & Lin, C.-Y. (2012). FMRI repetition effects in priming and recognition memory tasks. Poster presented at the Annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Beijing, China.
Lai, H.-Y., Yang, C.-L., Lai, I.-M., Jiang, Y.-J., Dign,X.-H., Hung, J.-M., & Lin, C.-Y. (2011). Neural correlates of implicit memory and subjective feeling of familiarity. Poster presented at the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC), Kyoto, Japan.
Duke, D., Lin, C.-Y., Kawa, K., Nadel, L., & Ryan, L. (2010). Distinguishing the roles of parahippocampal cortex and hippocampus during object-scene recognition. Poster presented at the Arizona Alzheimer’s Consortium Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
Chang, A. Y.-C., Liang, W.-K., Lin, C.-Y., Tzeng, O. J.-L., Wu, D. H. (2010). The brain activity associated with time perception: A comparison between MEG and EEG signals. Poster presented the Society for Neuroscience Conference, San Diego, CA, USA.
Duke, D., Lin, C.-Y., Kawa, K., Nadel, L., & Ryan, L. (2010). Distinguishing the roles of parahippocampal cortex and hippocampus during object-scene recognition. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society. Montreal, Canada.
Lin, C.-Y. (2010). Geletophobia and its correlates. Talk presented at the Humor Research: Affective and Cognitive Responses to Humor and Laughter in a Cross-cultural Perspective Symposium. Zurich, Switzerland.
Lin, C.-Y. & Ryan, L. (2010). Frontal and posterior repetition suppression in conceptual/perceptual priming and recognition tasks. Poster presented at the 16th Annual meeting of the Organization for Human Brain Mapping, Barcelona, Spain, June 6-10.
Yen, C.L. & Lin, C.-Y. (2009). Scared to change or scared to death? The effect of mortality salience on escalation of commitment. Talk presented at the Annual Meeting of the Taiwanese Psychological Association. Taipei, Taiwan.
Lin, C.-Y. & Ryan, L. (2009). The relationship between perceptual/conceptual priming effects and repetition suppression in posterior/frontal cortical regions. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting 2009, San Francisco.
Lin, C.-Y. Ryan, L, & Frank, M. (2008). A neural computational modeling approach examining the relation between behavioral priming and repetition suppression. Talk presented at the Society for Neuroscience Conference, Washington, DC, November 2008.
Lin, C.-Y., Ryan, L, & Frank, M. (2008). A computational model of behavioral priming, repetition suppression and the effects of frontal lesion. Poster presented at the Annual Arizona Alzheimer’s Consortium Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
Lin, C.-Y., Ryan, L., Ketcham, K., & Nadel, L. (2008). Brain regions associated with retrieving spatial and non-spatial information from episodic and semantic memory. Poster presented at the Annual Arizona Alzheimer’s Consortium Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
Lin, C.-Y., Ryan, L., Ketcham, K., & Nadel, L. (2007). Common and differential brain regions associated with retrieving spatial and non-spatial information from episodic and semantic memory. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, New York, NY. 
Raming, N., Lin, C.-Y., & Ryan, L. (2006). Behavioral and Neural Correlates of Repetition Priming: An fMRI Study. Poster presented at the University of Arizona Summer Research Institute, Tucson, AZ.
Lin, C.-Y. & Ryan, L. (2006). Neural correlates of repetition priming by unidentified primes. Poster presented at the Annual Arizona Alzheimer’s Consortium Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
Lin, C.-Y. & Ryan, L. (2006). Neural basis of unconscious memory: Unidentified words can still facilitate later processing of their repetitions. Poster presented at the Student Showcase, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.
Lin, C.-Y. & Ryan, L. (2005). Neural correlates of repetition priming by unidentified primes. Poster presented at the Society for Neuroscience, Washington D.C. 
Lin, C.-Y. & Ryan, L. (2005). Repetition priming with and without identification of the primes: An event-related f MRI study. Poster presented at the Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting, Toronto, Canada. 
Lin, C.-Y. & Ryan, L. (2005). Neural correlates of repetition priming with and without conscious identification of the primes. Poster presented at the Association for the Scientific Study of Consciousness (ASSC), Pasadena, CA. 
Lin, C.-Y. & Ryan, L. (2004). Repetition priming with and without identification of the primes. Poster presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society, San Francisco, CA. 
Lin, C.-Y. & Ryan, L. (2004). The long-term priming effect while the primes are not identified. Poster presented at the Toward a Science of Consciousness (TSC) Conference, Tucson, AZ. 
Lin, C.-Y., Sun, J.-J., Chen, S.-L., Chang, C., Hou, W.-Y., & Shyu, B.-C. (2002). An fMRI study of the anterior cingulate cortex activations during direct electrical stimulation of the medial thalamus in rats. Poster presented at the 10th World Congress on Pain, San Diego, California.           
Lin, C.-Y., Sun, J.-J., Chen, S.-L., Chang, C., Shyu, B.-C. (2001). A novel method of direct brain activation for fMRI study. Poster presented at the 10th Annual Meeting of the Neuroscience Society, Taipei, Taiwan.
Lin, C.-Y. & Chen, H.-C. (1999). On the bipolarity of momentary emotions. Poster presented at the 38th Annual Meeting of the Chinese (now Taiwanese) Psychological Association, Taipei, Taiwan.
Lin, C.-Y. & Chen, H.-C. (1998). Mood congruent recall of autobiographical memory. Poster presented at the 37th Annual Meeting of the Chinese (now Taiwanese) Psychological Association. Taipei, Taiwan.