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Distinguished Professor

Tzuu-Hseng S. Li

Email:  thsli@mail.ncku.edu.tw

Research webpage:http://www.ee.ncku.edu.tw/subpage_div/teacher_new_2/index2.php?teacher_id=9

Representative works
T.-H. S. Li*, Ping-Huan Kuo, Ting-Nan Tsai, and Po-Chien Luan, “CNN and LSTM Based Facial Expression Analysis Model for a Humanoid Robot,” IEEE ACCESS, Vol. 7, pp. 93998-94011, July, 2019.


Chih-Yin Liu, Chung-Lin Lee, Jie-Jhong Liang, Chih-Yen Chen,and, T.-H. S. Li*, “Design and Implementation of SLAM by Piecewise Linear Feature Based RBPF for Service Robots,” iRobotics, Vol. 1, No. 4, pp.44-54, Dec. 2018.
Chih-Wei Chien, Chih-Yin Liu, Ting-Nan Tsai, Li-Fan Wu, Nien-Chu Fang, and T.-H. S. Li*, “Design and Implementation of DBN-based Gaze Tracker for Auto-aiming System,” iRobotics, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp.11-19, Jun. 2018.


Kai-Chieh Chang, Han-Yu Lin, Jie-Yao Yang, Chih-Yin Liu, and Tzuu-Hseng S. Li, “A 3D Object Grasping Point Learning System for Home Service Robot,” in Proc. ARIS 2019, Aug. 2019, Taipei, Taiwan.(Best Student Paper Contest Award First Place)
Han-Yu Lin, Jie-YaoYang, Szu-Han Yu, Szu-Han Yu, Chih-Yin Liu, and Tzuu-Hseng S. Li, “A PSO-DDPG Based Collision Free Motion Planning and Contrl for Service Robot with 7-DoF Manipulators,” in Proc. ARIS 2019, Aug. 2019, Taipei, Taiwan.
陳昱成、張凱傑、尤思涵、林瀚宇、楊捷耀、蘇于庭、劉致吟、李祖聖,「具備水果品種辨識能力的賣場機器人」,NCAR 2019,Aug. 2019,臺灣臺北。(最佳學生論文競賽第二名)

新型專利 (M294029) 非接觸式距離與尺寸量測裝置 中華民國 2006~2015 郭昭霖、李祖聖、張勝雄、潘恆堯

專利(I620814)熱控裝置及其熱控方法 中華民國2018~2037 李祖聖、陳智揚、方育麟、劉致吟、謝政穎、李政輝、梁介仲、陳質岩