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【講座分享】1/9 (二)10:30-12:00 「心理系優秀系友回娘家活動-學術之路交流與分享」演講

各位老師、同學好,本系優秀系友余季霖學長將在1/9 上午在系上和老師與學弟妹們分享學術之路的經驗交流和成果分享,歡迎參加,也歡迎轉傳給有興趣的同學。以下為演講資訊:

講者:余季霖 (密西根大學心理學系博士)

講題:Developing a Theory of Mind through an Interdisciplinary lens: from NCKU to U-M

時間:1/9 (二)10:30-12:00 


Developing a Theory of Mind through an Interdisciplinary lens: from NCKU to U-M

Chi-Lin Yu

Humans are physically independent but psychologically connected. We constantly think about each other, and we frequently try to read our own and others' beliefs, desires, and intentions. From a young age, this social-cognitive inclination towards "mind reading" forms a foundational aspect of human cognitive development. For years, scholars have referred to this distinctive trait as theory of mind. Theory of mind is a progressive acquisition of childhood, raising the question: How do children develop theory of mind? In this talk, I will discuss how theory of mind is shaped by evidential experience, illustrate what evidential experiences contribute to theory-of-mind learning and development, and show how they do so. I will discuss several example studies encompassing diverse child populations, including children with varied cultural backgrounds, deaf and hard-of- hearing children, and bilingual children. These studies use meta-analyses, behavioral experiments, neuroimaging, and computational modeling, providing an interdisciplinary perspective on how behavioral and neural factors intertwine to shape typical and atypical theory-of-mind development. I will summarize how these studies deepen our knowledge of theory of mind by highlighting the emergence of universals and heterogeneity in its development. Finally, I will conclude my talk by sharing my ongoing academic journey from NCKU, NTU, to U-M, and more, highlighting what opportunities/challenges I have accumulated/encountered until now and how my research expertise has been continuously developing over time, just like the development of children's theory of mind.



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