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Human-centered AI & Robots

講題:Human-centered AI & Robots
講者:黃從仁老師 (國立臺灣大學心理學系 副教授)
When developing a human-centered AI system or robot to interact with humans for social companion or health care, we often encounter the following two problems. First, how can we calibrate the system to make it more human-like? Second, how can the system better estimate various kinds of hidden psychological traits/states of a human user? In this presentation, I will introduce four of our recent studies that address these problems. Specifically, I will share examples of how to use cognitive psychology/neuroscience methods to understand behavior differences between a robot/system and humans and how the robot/system can better profile a user based on his/her behavior and self-reports.
As a whole, these research examples demonstrate the use of psychology for improving machine cognition and, therefore, its services.
Huang, T. R. (2019). Understanding Potentially Biased Artificial Agents Powered by Supervised Learning: Perspectives from Cognitive Psychology and Cognitive Neuroscience. Chinese Journal of Psychology, 61(3), 197-208.
Huang, T. R., Liu, Y. W., Hsu, S. M., Goh, J. O., Chang, Y. L., Yeh, S. L., & Fu, L. C. (2020). Asynchronously Embedding Psychological Test Questions into Human–Robot Conversations for User Profiling.
International Journal of Social Robotics, 1-10.