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Brain Sciences and Linguistic Cognition for the Elderly 老年人的語言認知與腦科學

講題:Brain Sciences and Linguistic Cognition for the Elderly 老年人的語言認知與腦科學
講者:黃緒文(香港 香港城市大學 翻譯及語言學系 助理教授)
演講內容:Dr. Huang will share the finding on linguistic cognition for the elderly by her study experience on brain science.黃博士會基於她多年在腦科學的研究經驗,分享老年人的語言認知發現。
Dr. Huang received her PhD in Cognitive Neuroscience at National Yang Ming University, Taiwan. After working at University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, National Taiwan Normal University and National Chiao Tung University in Taiwan, she joined City University of Hong Kong in 2016. Her research is centered on understanding how meaning is organized, accessed and constructed in the brain. She does this by measuring electrical brain activities millisecond by millisecond as people look, read, listen, interpret, and make decisions.