基本資料 |
職稱:教授 研究領域:生物心理學、神經科學、睡眠與癲癇、神經復健工程、疼痛 E-Mail:fzshaw@mail.ncku.edu.tw 辦公室/電話:B524/06-2757575#56507 提供課程:生物心理學/睡眠生理學/健康工程/腦神經電生理 實驗室網頁:http://myweb.ncku.edu.tw/~fzshaw/ |
經歷 |
教學經歷 2018/08- 社會科學院院長 2014/04- 心智影像研究中心主任 2014/08-2020/07 特聘教授 2009/08-2015/07 心理系系主任暨認知科學所所長 2008/08-2009/07 代理心理系系主任暨認知科學所所長 2006/08-2008/07 副教授 國立成功大學 認知科學所與物理治療學系 2005/12-2006/07 負責人 國立交通大學 動物房 2005/08-2006/07 副教授 國立交通大學 生物科技學系 2005/03-2005/07 組長 慈濟大學 教務處出版組 2002/12-2005/07 副教授 慈濟大學 神經科學研究所 2002/08-2005/07 組長 慈濟大學 教務處課務組 1999/08-2002/11 助理教授 慈濟大學 神經科學研究所 研究經歷 2018/03-2018/07 訪問學者 Dept. Psychology, Univ. Southern Australia, SA, Australia 2000/07-2000/09 交換學者 Dept. Anatomy, Univ. Mississippi Med. Ctr., MS, USA 1998/05-1998/09 交換學者 Dept. Neurobiol. & Anatomy, Allegheny Univ., PA, USA |
學術榮譽 |
2020 國家新創獎-學研新創獎,財團法人生技醫療科技政策研究中心 2017 科技部科普活動計畫海報競賽「銀牌」,科技部科國司 2017 First Prize Award, IEEE International Conference on Applied System Innovation 2017 癲癇研究論文「佳作」,台灣癲癇學會 2016 瑪利MAMA盃「心智障礙應用 APP」校園創意競賽「佳作」,瑪利亞社會福利基金會 2015 科技部科普活動計畫海報競賽「佳作」,科技部科國司 2014 科技部智慧電子國家型計畫成果「優等獎」,智慧電子國家型科技計畫 2014 神經內科學門優良研究成果,科技部生科司 2014 創新研究團隊獎,台灣半導體協會 2014 Demonstration Session Certificate of Recognition, IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) 2014 Distinguished Technical Paper Award, IEEE International Solid-State Circuits Conference (ISSCC) 2013 年度會議基礎研究論文佳獎,台灣癲癇年會 2012 年度會議基礎研究論文最佳獎,台灣癲癇年會 2012 論文佳作獎,台灣癲癇年會 2012 大專學生研究計畫研究創作獎,國科會 2011 國科會整合型計畫「績優計畫獎」,晶片系統國家型科技計畫 2009 Who's Who in the world,Marquis Who's Who Organization (USA) 2006 Leading Health Professionals of the World,International Biographical Center (England) 2006 9th Edition of Who's Who in Science and Engineering,Marquis Who's Who Organization (USA) 2006 Top 10 advance paper (十大頂尖論文),美國心臟學會 (American Heart Association) |
學歷 |
1993/09-1999/03 國立台灣大學電機工程學系博士 1991/09-1993/06 國立台灣大學電機工程學系碩士 1986/09-1990/06 中原大學醫學工程學系學士 |
期刊論文 |
Wei, T. Y., Young, C. P., Liu, Y. T., Xu, J. H., Liang, S. F., Shaw, F. Z., & Kuo, C. E. (2019). Development of a rule-based automatic five-sleep-stage scoring method for rats. Biomedical Engineering Online, 18(1), 92. (SCI) Chan, P. S., Cheng, C. H., Wu, Y. T., Wu, C. W., Liu, H. A., Shaw, F. Z., Liu, C. Y., & Davenport, P. W. (2018). Cortical and Subcortical Neural Correlates for Respiratory Sensation in Response to Transient Inspiratory Occlusions in Humans. Frontiers in Physiology, 9, 1804. (SCI) Cheng, C.-H., Tsai, P.-Y., Yang, T.-Y., Cheng, W.-H., Yen, T.-Y., Luo, Z., Qian, X.-H., Chen, Z.-X., Lin, T.-H., Chen, W.-H., Chen, W.-M., Liang, S.-F., Shaw, F.-Z., Chang, C.-S., Hsin, Y.-L., Lee, C.-Y., Ker, M.-D., & Wu, C.-Y. (2018) A fully integrated 16-channel closed-loop neural prosthetic CMOS SoC with wireless power and bidirectional data telemetry for real-time efficient human epileptic seizure control. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 53(11): 3314-3326. (SCI) Wang, Y. L., Liang, S. F., Su, A., & Shaw, F. Z. (2018). Spike densities of the amygdala and neocortex reflect progression of kindled motor seizures. Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, 56(1), 99–112. (SCI) Wei, T. Y., Chang, D. W., Liu, Y. D., Liu, C. W., Young, C. P., Liang, S. F., & Shaw, F. Z. (2017). Portable wireless neurofeedback system of EEG alpha rhythm enhances memory. Biomedical Engineering Online, 16(1), 128. (SCI) Liu, Y.-T., Chen, S.-D., Chuang, Y.-C., & Shaw, F.-Z. (2017) Pregabalin, duloxetine, and diazepam selectively modulate acid-induced hyperalgesia and anxio-depressive comorbidity in rats. Neuropsychiatry, 7(6): 849-861. (SCI) Kuo, C. E., Liu, Y. C., Chang, D. W., Young, C. P., Shaw, F. Z., & Liang, S. F. (2017). Development and Evaluation of a Wearable Device for Sleep Quality Assessment. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 64(7), 1547–1557. (SCI) Hsueh, J. J., Chen, J. J., & Shaw, F. Z. (2016). Distinct Somatic Discrimination Reflected by Laser-Evoked Potentials Using Scalp EEG Leads. Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering, 36(4), 460–469. (SCI) Chen, S. D., Wang, Y. L., Liang, S. F., & Shaw, F. Z. (2016). Rapid Amygdala Kindling Causes Motor Seizure and Comorbidity of Anxiety- and Depression-Like Behaviors in Rats. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience, 10, 129. (SCI) Hsueh, J. J., Chen, T. S., Chen, J. J., & Shaw, F. Z. (2016). Neurofeedback training of EEG alpha rhythm enhances episodic and working memory. Human Brain Mapping, 37(7), 2662–2675. (SCI) Wang, Y. L., Chen, Y. L., Su, A. W., Shaw, F. Z., & Liang, S. F. (2016). Epileptic Pattern Recognition and Discovery of the Local Field Potential in Amygdala Kindling Process. IEEE Transactions on Neural Systems and Rehabilitation Engineering, 24(3), 374–385. (SCI) Liang, S. F., Kuo, C. E., Shaw, F. Z., Chen, Y. H., Hsu, C. H., & Chen, J. Y. (2016). Combination of Expert Knowledge and a Genetic Fuzzy Inference System for Automatic Sleep Staging. IEEE Transactions on Biomedical Engineering, 63(10), 2108–2118. (SCI) Liang, S.-F., Kuo, C.-E., Lee, Y.-C., Lin, W.-C., Liu, Y.-C., Chen, P.-Y., Cherng, F.-Y., & Shaw, F.-Z. (2015) Development of an EOG-based automatic sleep-monitoring eye mask. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 64(11): 2977-2985. (SCI) Chen, S. D., Lin, T. K., Yang, D. I., Lee, S. Y., Shaw, F. Z., Liou, C. W., & Chuang, Y. C. (2015). Roles of PTEN-induced putative kinase 1 and dynamin-related protein 1 in transient global ischemia-induced hippocampal neuronal injury. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 460(2), 397–403. (SCI) Lan, K. C., Chang, D. W., Kuo, C. E., Wei, M. Z., Li, Y. H., Shaw, F. Z., & Liang, S. F. (2015). Using off-the-shelf lossy compression for wireless home sleep staging. Journal of Neuroscience Methods, 246, 142–152. (SCI) Chen, J. C., & Shaw, F. Z. (2014). Progress in sensorimotor rehabilitative physical therapy programs for stroke patients. World Journal of Clinical Cases, 2(8), 316–326. (SCI) Liu, Y. T., Shao, Y. W., Yen, C. T., & Shaw, F. Z. (2014). Acid-induced hyperalgesia and anxio-depressive comorbidity in rats. Physiology & Behavior, 131, 105–110. (SCI) Kung, C. C., Hsieh, T. H., Liou, J. Y., Lin, K. J., Shaw, F. Z., & Liang, S. F. (2014). Musicians and non-musicians' different reliance of features in consonance perception: a behavioral and ERP study. Clinical Neurophysiology, 125(5), 971–978. (SCI) Chen, F.-M., Tsai, J.S.-H., Liao, Y.-T., Guo, S.-M., Ho, M.-C., Shaw, F.-Z., & Shieh, L.-S. (2014) An improvement on the transient response of tracking for the sampled-data system based on an improved PD-type iterative learning control. Journal of the Franklin Institute, 351(2): 1130-1150. (SCI) Chen, W.-M., Chiueh, H., Chen, T.-J., Ho, C.-L., Jeng, C., Ker, M.-D., Lin, C.-Y., Huang, Y.-C., Chou, C.-W., Fan, T.-Y., Cheng, M.-S., Hsin, Y.-L., Liang, S.-F., Wang, Y.-L., Shaw, F.-Z., Huang, Y.-H., Yang, C.-H., & Wu, C.-Y. (2014) A fully integrated 8-channel closed-loop neural-prosthetic CMOS SoC for real-time epileptic seizure control. IEEE Journal of Solid-State Circuits, 49(1): 232-247. (SCI) Shaw, F. Z., Liao, Y. F., Chen, R. F., Huang, Y. H., & Lin, R. C. (2013). The zona incerta modulates spontaneous spike-wave discharges in the rat. Journal of Neurophysiology, 109(10), 2505–2516. (SCI) Chen, F.-M., Tsai, J.S.-H., Shaw, F.-Z., Tsai, T.-J., Lin, M.-H., & Lin, J.-Y. (2012) A high performance tracker for the sample-data system based on iterative learning control. International Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 5(1): 29-39. (EI) Huang, H. Y., Lee, H. W., Chen, S. D., & Shaw, F. Z. (2012). Lamotrigine ameliorates seizures and psychiatric comorbidity in a rat model of spontaneous absence epilepsy. Epilepsia, 53(11), 2005–2014. (SCI) Chang, D.-W., Liu, Y.-D., Young, C.-P., Chen, J.-J., Chen, Y.-H., Chen, C.-Y., Hsu, Y.-C., Shaw, F.-Z., & Liang, S.-F.* (2012) Design and implementation of a modularized polysomnography system. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 61(7): 1933-1944. (SCI) Lin, C. L., Shaw, F. Z., Young, K. Y., Lin, C. T., & Jung, T. P. (2012). EEG correlates of haptic feedback in a visuomotor tracking task. NeuroImage, 60(4), 2258–2273. (SCI) Chang, D.-W., Liang, S.-F., Young, C.-P., Shaw, F.-Z., Liu, Y.-D., Liu, Y.-C., Chen, J.-J., Chen, C.-Y., & Cheng K.-Y. (2011) A versatile wireless portable monitoring system for brain-behavior approaches. IEEE Journal on Emerging and Selected Topics in Circuits and Systems, 1(4): 440-450. (SCI) Hou, K. C., Chang, C. W., Chiou, J. C., Huang, Y. H., & Shaw, F. Z. (2011). Wireless and batteryless biomedical microsystem for neural recording and epilepsy suppression based on brain focal cooling. IET Nanobiotechnology, 5(4), 143–147. (SCI) Chen, S. D., Yang, D. I., Lin, T. K., Shaw, F. Z., Liou, C. W., & Chuang, Y. C. (2011). Roles of oxidative stress, apoptosis, PGC-1α and mitochondrial biogenesis in cerebral ischemia. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 12(10), 7199–7215. (SCI) Liang, S. F., Liao, Y. C., Shaw, F. Z., Chang, D. W., Young, C. P., & Chiueh, H. (2011). Closed-loop seizure control on epileptic rat models. Journal of Neural Engineering, 8(4), 045001. (SCI) Chen, S. D., Yeh, K. H., Huang, Y. H., & Shaw, F. Z. (2011). Effect of intracranial administration of ethosuximide in rats with spontaneous or pentylenetetrazol-induced spike-wave discharges. Epilepsia, 52(7), 1311–1318. (SCI) Young, C.-P., Liang, S.-F., Chang, D.-W., Liao, Y.-C., Shaw, F.-Z., & Hsieh, C.-H. (2011) A portable wireless online closed-loop seizure controller in freely moving rats. IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation & Measurement, 60(2): 513-521. (SCI) |
專書專章 |
Shaw F.-Z., Kuo C.-C., Tsai M.-L., Yen C.-T. (2010) Cerebral cortical responses to nociceptive laser heat stimulation in conscious behaving rats. In Shyu B.-C., Chieh C.-C., Hsieh J.-C., Eds., Nociceptive and neuropathic pain: mechanisms and treatment. Research Signpost, India, pp. 105-120. |