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2018- Present 副教授 國立成功大學心理學系
2012-2018    助理教授 國立成功大學心理學系
2010-2012 博士後研究員 加拿大麥基爾大學 麥基爾視覺實驗室
2008-2010 博士後研究員 國立台灣大學心理學系
加拿大麥基爾大學 神經科學博士
Gong, L., Min, S.H., Chen, S., Wei, J., Kong, D., Tao, C., Zhang, P., Huang, P. C.*, & Zhou, J.* (2020). Reduced monocular luminance increases monocular temporal synchrony threshold in human adults. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 61(8):1. (SCI, IF=3.470, 2019; Ranking: 10/60=0.17 in Ophthalmology).
Chen, Y., Min, S.H., Cheng, Z., Chen, S., Wang, Z., Tao, C., Lu, F., Qu, J., Huang, P. C., Hess, R.F. & Zhou, J. (2020) Short-term deprivation does not influence monocular or dichoptic temporal synchrony at low temporal frequency. Front. Neurosci. 14:402. doi: 10.3389/fnins.2020.00402. (SCI, IF=3.707, 2019; Ranking: 96/271=0.35 in Neuroscience).
Tao, C., Wu, Y., Gong, L., Chen, S., Mao, Y., Chen, Y., Zhou, J.* & Huang, P. C.* (2019). Abnormal monocular and dichoptic temporal synchrony in adults with amblyopia. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 60(14), 4858-4864. (SCI, IF=3.812, 2018; Ranking: 9/60=0.15 in Ophthalmology).
Chen, Y. C., Huang, P. C., Woods, A. & Spence, C. (2019). I know that “Kiki” is angular: The metacognition underlying sound–shape correspondences. Psychonomic Bulletin and Review. 26(1), 261-268. (SSCI, IF =3.704, 2018; Ranking: 9/88 = 0.10 in the category of Experimental Psychology)
Huang, P. C.*, & Dai, Y. -M. (2018). Binocular contrast-gain control for natural scenes: Image structure and phase alignment. Vision Res, 146-147: 18–31. DOI: 10.1016/j.visres.2018.02.012. (SCI, IF=2.069, 2017; Ranking: 28/59=0.47 in Ophthalmology).
Turoman, N., Velasco, C., Chen, Y.C., Huang, P. C., & Spence C. (2018). Symmetry and its role in the crossmodal correspondence between shape and taste. Atten Percept Psychophys. 80(3), 738-751. DOI: 10.3758/s13414-017-1463-x. (SSCI, IF =1.678, 2017; Ranking: 55/85 = 0.65 in Experimental Psychology)
Cadet, N., Huang, P. C., Superstein, R., Koenekoop, R., & Hess, R. F. (2018). The effects of the age of onset of strabismus on monocular and binocular visual function in genetically identical twins. Canadian Journal of Ophthalmology. DOI: 10.1016/j.jcjo.2018.01.032. (SCI, IF: 1.314, 2017; Ranking: 47/80=0.42 in Ophthalmology)
Huang, P. C., & Chen, C. -C. (2016). Contrast gain control in plaid pattern detection.  PloS One, 11(10): e0164171. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0164171. (SCI, IF = 3.057, 2015; Ranking: 11/63 = 0.17 in the category of Multidisciplinary Sciences)
Chen, Y. -C., Huang, P. C.*, Woods, A. & Spence, C. (2016). When “Bouba” equals “Kiki”: Cultural commonalities and cultural differences in sound-shape correspondences. Scientific Reports, 6:26681. doi: 10.1038/srep26681. (SCI, IF = 5.228, 2015; Ranking: 7/63= 0.11 in the category of Multidisciplinary Sciences)
Huang, P. C., & Chen, C.C.  (2014). A comparison of pedestal effects in first- and second-order patterns. J Vis, Jan 10:14(1). (SCI, IF: 2.48, 2013; Ranking: 13/58=0.22 in the category Ophthalmology).
Zhou, J., Huang, P. C., & Hess, R. F. (2013). Interocular suppression in amblyopia for global orientation processing. J Vis, April 22;13(5):19 1–14. (SCI, IF: 2.48, 2011; Ranking: 13/58=0.22 in ).
Huang, P. C., Li, J., Deng, D., Yu, M., & Hess, R. F. (2012). Temporal synchrony deficits in amblyopia. Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science, 53(13), 8325-8332. DOI: 10.1167/iovs.12-10835.( SCI, IF: 3.44, 2012; Ranking: 5/115=0.04 in the category Ophthalmology)
Huang, P. C., Baker, D. H., & Hess, R. F. (2012). Interocular suppression in normal and amblyopic vision: Spatio-temporal properties. J Vis, 12(11). (SCI, IF: 2.48, 2011; Ranking: 13/58=0.22 in the category Ophthalmology).
Husk, J.S., Huang, P.C., & Hess, R.F. (2012). Orientation coherence sensitivity. J Vis, 12(6):18,1-15. (SCI, IF: 2.48, 2011; Ranking: 13/58=0.22 in ).
Huang, P. C., Chen, C.-C., & Tyler, C.W. (2012). Collinear facilitation over space and depth. J Vis, 12(2):20, 1-9. (SCI, IF: 2.48, 2011; Ranking: 13/58=0.22 in the category Ophthalmology).
Huang, P.C., Maehara, G., May, K. A. & Hess, R. F. (2012). Pattern masking: the importance of remote spatial frequencies and their phase alignment. J Vis, 12(2):14, 1-13. (SCI, IF: 2.48, 2011; Ranking: 13/58=0.22 in the category Ophthalmology).
Chen, Y.-C., Huang, P.C., Yeh, S.-L., & Spence, C. (2011). Synchronous sounds enhance visual sensitivity without reducing target uncertainty. Seeing and Perceiving, 24,623-638. (SSCI, IF: 1.182, 2011; Ranking: 57/75=0.76 in Psychology).
Maehara, G., Huang, P.C., & Hess, R. F. (2010). The effects of flankers on contrast detection and discrimination in binocular, monocular, and dichoptic presentation. J Vis, 10(4): 13, 1–15. (SCI, IF: 2.48, 2011; Ranking: 13/58=0.22 in ).
Maehara, G., Huang, P.C., & Hess, R. F. (2009). The importance of phase alignment for interocular suppression. Vision Res, 49(14): 1838–1847. (SCI, IF: 2.41, 2011; Ranking: 15/56=0.27 in ).
Hess, R. F., Huang, P.C., & Maehara, G. (2009). Spatial distortions produced by purely binocularly-based visual motion. Perception, 38(7):1012-1018. (SSCI, IF: 1.18, 2011; Ranking: 57/75=0.76 in ).
Aaen-Stockdale, C. R., Thompson, B., Huang, P.C., & Hess, R. F. (2009). Low-level mechanisms may contribute to paradoxical motion percepts. J Vis, 9(5):9, 1-14. (SCI, IF: 2.48, 2011; Ranking: 13/58=0.22 in ).
Huang, P. C., & Chen, C.-C. (2009). Pattern masking investigations of the 2nd-order visual mechanisms. Proc. SPIE, Vol. 7240, 724016.
Huang, P. C., & Hess, R. F. (2008). The Dynamics of Collinear Facilitation: fast but sustained. Vision Res, 48(27): 2715-2722. (SCI, IF: 2.41, 2011; Ranking: 15/56=0.27 in Ophthalmology).
Huang, P. C., & Hess, R. F. (2007). Collinear facilitation: Effect of additive and multiplicative external noise. Vision Res, 47(24): 3108-3119. (SCI, IF: 2.41, 2011; Ranking: 15/56=0.27 in Ophthalmology).
Huang, P. C., Mullen K. T., & Hess, R. F. (2007). Collinear facilitation in color vision. J Vis, 7(11): 6 1-14. (SCI, IF: 2.48, 2011; Ranking: 13/58=0.22 in the category Ophthalmology).
Huang, P. C., Hess, R. F., & Dakin, S. C. (2006). Flank facilitation and contour integration: different sites. Vision Res, 46(21): 3699-3706. (SCI, IF: 2.41, 2011; Ranking: 15/56=0.27 in Ophthalmology).
Huang, P. C., Kingdom, F. A., & Hess, R. F. (2006). Only two phase mechanisms, +/-cosine, in human vision. Vision Res, 46(13): 2069-2081. (SCI, IF: 2.41, 2011; Ranking: 15/56=0.27 in Ophthalmology).
Zhou, J., Chen, Y., Yao, Z., Huang, P. C., & Hess, R. F. (2019, Jul). A joint motion/stereo constraint. The 15th Asia Pacific Conference on Vision. Osaka, Japan.
Shen, Y.-C., Chen, Y.-C., Huang, P. C. (2019, Jul). Seeing Sounds: The Role of Consonants in Sound Symbolism. The 15th Asia Pacific Conference on Vision. Osaka, Japan.
Huang, W.-T. & Huang, P. C. (2019, Jul) Emotional facial detection in the foveal and peripheral vision. The 15th Asia Pacific Conference on Vision. Osaka, Japan.
Hsing, C.-C. & Huang, P. C. (2019, Jul). Symmetry or Beauty at First Sight: Neural Responses to Human Face Symmetry and Attractiveness. The 15th Asia Pacific Conference on Vision. Osaka, Japan.
Huang, P. C., Chen, Y. C., & Spence, C. (2018). The Bouba/kiki effect: The global or local effects. The 57th annual meeting of the Taiwanese Psychological Association. Tainan, Taiwan.

黃琬婷、蔡博亘與黃碧群(2018)。初探情緒人臉區辨能力:以表情變形作業為例。第 57 屆台灣心理學會年會。台南,台灣。  

鄭兆堅、李紀蓮、黃碧群、賴重宇、文羽西與杜旻育 (2018)。雙眼分視與視知覺功能電腦化測驗的設計與發展。第 57 屆台灣心理學會年會。台南,台灣。  

沈姎蓁、陳奕全與黃碧群(2018)。看見聲音:語音對於圖形命名的影響。第 57 屆台灣心理學會年會。台南,台灣。  

Tsai, P. -S. & Huang, P. C. (2017, Jul). The effect of self-construal on facial expression detection. The 13th Asia Pacific Conference on Vision. Tainan, Taiwan.
Ku, A. -K. & Huang, P. C. (2017, Jul). The influence of sound on visual global motion directional discrimination: An Equivalent noise approach. The 13th Asia Pacific Conference on Vision. Tainan, Taiwan.
Huang, P. C. (2017, May). Binocular contrast interactions in cross- and iso-oriented surround modulation: measurement and modeling. Vision Science Society Annual meeting. St. Pete Beach, FL. USA.

李紀蓮、黃碧群、朱信、張維剛、文羽西、童寶宗、鄭煒東與江國超(2016) 。飛行員雙眼深度知覺電腦化測驗之研發。第 55 屆台灣心理學會年會。台南,台灣。  

Huang, P. C. (2016, Jul). The interactions between orientation and motion direction in a global coherence task. The 12th Asia Pacific Conference on Vision. Fremantle, Australia.
Ku, A. -K. & Huang, P. C. (2016, Jul). The Effect of Congruent Directional Sound on the Sampling Efficiency of Motion Direction Discrimination Performance. The 12th Asia Pacific Conference on Vision. Fremantle, Australia.
Tai, Y. -M. & Huang, P. C. (2016, Jul). The influence of Spatial Frequency for Inter-Ocular Suppression in Natural Scenes. The 12th Asia Pacific Conference on Vision. Fremantle, Australia.
Tsai, P. -S. & Huang, P. C. (2016, Jul). The effect of Surround Emotion Faces on Facial Expression Identification. The 12th Asia Pacific Conference on Vision. Fremantle, Australia.

黃碧群、李紀蓮、張維剛、賴重宇、鄭兆堅、江國超、鄭煒東與朱信(2016) 。 阿帕契飛行員雙眼分視測驗之研發。中華民國航空醫學會暨第四十屆學術演講會議。台北,台灣。  

李紀蓮、黃碧群、朱信、張維剛、文羽西、童寶宗、鄭煒東與江國超(2016) 。飛行員電腦化雙眼深度知覺測驗之研發。中華民國航空醫學會暨第四十屆學術演講會議。台北,台灣。 

蔡博亘與黃碧群(2015)。判斷目標情緒臉是否會受周邊情緒臉影響。第 54 屆台灣心理學會年會暨學習、教學、與評量國際研討會。台北,台灣。  

戴佑珉與黃碧群(2015)。顯示器校正實作:以人類視覺取代測光器為例。第 54 屆台灣心理學會年會暨學習、教學、與評量國際研討會。台北,台灣。  

Huang, P. C., Chen, Y. C., & Spence, C. (2015, May). A mid-level sound-shape correspondence: Bouna/Kiki and radial frequency patterns. Vision Science Society Annual meeting. St. Pete Beach, FL. USA.
Huang, P. C. (2015, Jul). The integration of local features in the global coherence task: the interactions between orientation and motion direction. The 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision. Singapore.
Hsu, L.C., Li, K. A., Huang, P. C. & Tien, Y. M. (2015, Jul). Ladies, don’t be angry: a coarse and negative facial expression tend to be judged a man. The 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision. Singapore.
Chang, Y.C. & Huang, P. C. (2015, Jul). Was Colavita effect more likely a perceptual phenomenon? The 11th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision. Singapore.
Huang, P. C. & Shen, C.H. (2015, Aug). Feature integration in plaid revealed by visual search. European Conference on Visual Perception. Liverpool, United Kingdom.
Chang, Y. C. & Huang, P. C. (2014, Nov). Exploring Colavita visual dominance effect at detection threshold. The 53th annual meeting of the Taiwanese Psychological Association. Taipei, Taiwan.
Chen, C. Y., Chen, C. C., & Huang, P. C. (2014, Nov). The effect of contrast gain control on plaid patterns in the human visual cortex. The 53th Annual meeting of the Taiwanese Psychological Association. Taipei, Taiwan.
Huang, P.C. (2014, Jul). Binocular interactions in center-surround modulation: measurement and modeling.  The 36th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society. Quebec City, Canada.
Huang, P.C. & Chen, C.C. (2014, Jul). Binocular contrast interactions in isooriented surround suppression. The 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision. Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan.
Huang, P.C., Huang, Y.C., & Chen, C.C. (2014, May). Contrast gain control in plaid pattern detection. Vision Science Society Annual meeting. St. Pete Beach, FL. USA.  Published at Journal of Vision August 22, 2014   vol. 14  no. 10  article 1185
Huang, P. C., Hess, R. F. (2013, Jul). Dynamic properties in interocular suppression: the effects of sharp edges. The Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Suzhou, China.
Huang, P. C., Hess, R. F. (2013, May). Dynamic properties in broadband pattern masking: Comparison between monocular, binocular and dichoptic viewing conditions[Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 13(9): 551.
Huang, P.C., Li, J., Deng, D., Yu, M., & Hess, R.F. (2012, Jul). Asynchrony detection in amblyopes. Asia-Pacific Conference on Vision, Incheon, Korea.
Huang, P.C., & Hess, R. F. (2012, May). Dynamic dichoptic masking: luminance vs. contrast. Visoin Science Society, Naples, FL. USA.
Huang, P.C., Maehara, G., & Hess, R. F. (2010, May). A role of spatial alignments in early vision. [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 10(15):37.
Huang, P. C., Chen, C.-C., & Tyler, C. (2010, May). Collinear facilitation is recovered across disparities by embedding in a slanted surface [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 10(7):1181.
Huang, P. C., & Chen, C.-C. (2009, May). A comparison of the pedestal effects in the 1st- and 2nd-order patterns [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 9(8):1011.
Maehara, G., Huang, P. C., & Hess, R. F. (2008, May). The effect of flankers on TvC functions in binocular, monocular, and dichoptic presentations [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 8(17):68.
Huang, P. C., & Hess, R. F. (2008, May). Dynamics of Collinear facilitation: fast yet sustained. [Abstract] Journal of Vision, 8(6):272.
Maehara, G., Huang, P-C., & Hess, R. F. (2008, May). The importance of static phase-aligned, high spatial frequency components for continuous flash suppression [Abstract]. Journal of Vision, 8(6):241.
Huang, P. C., & Hess, R. F. (2007, May). Collinear facilitation: effects of additive and multiplicative visual noise. [Abstract] Journal of Vision, 7 (9):250.
Huang, P. C., Mullen, K. T., & Hess, R. F. (2006, May). Flank Facilitation for Isoluminant Chromatic Stimuli. [Abstract] Journal of Vision, 6(6): 223.
Huang, P. C., Hess, R. F., & Kingdom, F. A. A. (2005, May). Labelled lines for phase? [Abstract] Journal of Vision, 5(8): 185.
Huang, P. C., Hess, R. F., & Dakin, S. C. (2004, May). Different sites for lateral facilitation and contour integration. [Abstract] Journal of Vision, 4(8): 781.
Huang, P. C., Chen, I., & Lee, I.P. (2001). Multiple spatial-frequency channels for the detection of orientation modulation patterns. [Abstract] Perception, ECVP01 Suppl.
Huang, P. C., & Chen, I. (2000). Multiple channels for 2nd-order edge detection. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Chinese Psychology Association, Taipei, Taiwan.
Huang, P. C., & Chen, I. (1999). The mechanism of 2nd-order edge detection. Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Chinese Psychology Association, Taipei, Taiwan.