【演講公告】2/26 Joint Modeling of the Deep Brain’s Form and Function/ Explaining multi-scale choice dynamics
2/26 (三)邀請來自荷蘭 University of Amsterdam 的 Birte U. Forstmann 教授和 Leiden University 的 Steven Miletić 教授為大家帶來一場演講包含兩個講題和個別的 Q&A 時間,演講相關訊息請參考以下:
Joint Modeling of the Deep Brain’s Form and Function
講者: Birte U. Forstmann 教授
時間: 2025-2-26(三) 13:10-14:00 含 Q&A
地點:成大社會科學院北棟 2 樓心理學系階梯教室
The subcortex has paramount importance for cognitive processes and is affected early in
practically all neurodegenerative diseases. Yet, in the past decades, the human
neurosciences have been dominated by a cortico-centric viewpoint, while the human
subcortex, the Deep Brain, has remained relatively uncharted territory. It is notoriously
more difficult to study with non-invasive structural and functional MRI. Its nuclei are
small, numerous, and heterogeneous in (micro)structure and function, they lie deep in
hard-to-image brain regions, and most of them have been poorly characterized even with
quantitative ultra-high field MRI. According to the Federative Community on Anatomical
Terminology (FCAT, 1998), there are approximately 455 subcortical structures; only a
fraction of these are depicted in available standard MRI-atlases (Forstmann et al., 2017).
My research aims to pivot the prevalent cortico-centric viewpoint to a whole-brain
perspective on brain and cognition in health and disease. In this talk, I will present an
overview of past, present, and potential future advances that enable us to start charting the
terra incognita of the deep brain. To this end, I will show how multi-modal post-mortem
data can be used to augment multi-modal in-vivo data in the atlasing and characterizing
of small subcortical nuclei. I will introduce a novel Bayesian joint modeling of brain and
behavior that explores the functional role of cortico-subcortical loops in adaptive decision
making. Finally, I will explain how the combination of these methodologies will advance
a powerful vision of a truly whole-brain conceptual understanding of cognition in the
living human brain.
Explaining multi-scale choice dynamics
講者: Steven Miletić 教授
時間: 2025-2-26(三) 14:10-15:00 含 Q&A
地點:成大社會科學院北棟 2 樓心理學系階梯教室
Decision making is often studied in highly controlled experimental paradigms where the
environment is mostly stationary. This contrasts with the dynamic and non-stationary
environments in which humans evolved, which necessitates continuous adaptation of
behavior. My work proposes that adaptive mechanisms cause systematic fluctuations in
choice performance across trials, both in non-stationary and in stationary choice
environments. In this talk, I will present a set of experiments and formal models of choice
behavior that integrate adaptive mechanisms. Through these, I will demonstrate that
incorporating adaptive mechanisms in evidence-accumulation models is a promising way
forward to understanding not only how choice behavior changes across time, but also why
it changes