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【演講公告】11/22 The cognitive mechanisms of worry and the intervention approach


講題:The cognitive mechanisms of worry and the intervention approach
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Worry is a stream of negative thoughts about future events and can be maintained by the consistent tendencies to attend to threatening information (i.e., negative attention bias) and interpret ambiguities negatively (i.e., negative interpretation bias). Interpretations can be generated at the moment the ambiguity is first encountered (online) or later on reflection (offline). At present, it is unclear which specific types of interpretation are related to worry, and which can be modified by cognitive bias modification for interpretation (CBM-I) and therefore reduce the levels of worry. Moreover, it is unclear whether memory bias under the influences of interpretations (i.e., interpretation-memory) is involved in the underlying cognitive mechanisms of worry, and how cognitive biases work together in association with worry. The nature of cognitive biases in predicting worry under different stressors is also under-investigated. This talk will go through a series of studies that focused on the cognitive factors, especially interpretation bias, in worry to address the above issues.