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【講座分享】2/1(四)11:30~13:00泰國學者Wanalee教授演講,講題:Transcranial direct current stimulation in neurorehabilitation

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Title: Transcranial direct current stimulation in neurorehabilitation
Speaker: Wanalee Klomjai (Mahidol University)
Transcranial direct current stimulation, a non-invasive brain stimulation, has been used as an add-on intervention in neurorehabilitation as it can modulate cortical excitability with a positive after-effect. Several studies in patients with neurological deficits reported benefits of tDCS combined with training on motor performance and functional ability. tDCS is portable and easy to be applied in a clinical setting or as a home-based intervention. tDCS is safe and its adverse effect that is commonly reported is skin irritation which often disappears after tDCS removal. Today, although there are several studies report effectiveness of tDCS in neurorehabilitation, it is still important to determine optimal dosing to provide a greater clinical benefit.


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